INTERNET CENTER MIMSR invests Computer equipment and substantially in latest software to ensure that students have ready access to up to date technology. There is a dedicated Internet center available to the students essentially for web browsing purpose with a reasonable number of computers. A centralized Internet browsing facility is made available for students and staff members. It is connected with a Broadband, to facilitate high speed Internet surfing. State-of-art IBM servers are connected through a structured network.

Printing facility is also made available for students and staff in the laboratory. To provide optimum browsing services to the students, the Internet center remains open on all seven days in the week from 8. 00 am to I 2.00 pm.

Maharashtra Institute of Optometry

Optometry is a primary health care profession in eye care. Optometrists are specialists trained to examine the eyes, diagnose diseases, and manage visual disorders by prescribing spectacles, contact lenses, low visual devices, and eye exercises. A detailed eye examination can also reveal systemic conditions like high blood pressure, anaemia , or diabetes. Optometrists make a diagnosis and refer the patients to the respective specialists for further care and management. They also co manage conditions with ophthalmologists and other health care professionals.

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