MIMSR Central Library system supports the teaching learning program of the institute. The library has an excellent collection of text books, reference books, general books, journals, magazines, encyclopedia, handbooks, reports, data sheets, bound volumes, CD-ROMs, Floppies and other reading material.

The library has adequate infrastructure to meet student’s requirements. MIMSR Central Library follows open access system that allows users a direct access to the library collection.

Library has a conductive atmosphere for reading, well ventilated & adequately lighted infrastructure. It consist of a reading hall, journal section, reference section, circulation section, stack section, acquisition, technical section, staff room and an office for the librarian.

  • Library Objectives :
    • The objective of MIMSR Central Library is to actively participate in the educational mission of the college through collection and dissemination of information to meet the curricular and general requirements of the students, faculty and staff.
    • To expand the information resources available, by establishing mutual beneficial partnership with educational institutions and other organizations.
    • To respect and preserve the knowledge of the past, for future.
  • Salient Features :
    • It is the first ISO certified Medical Library in Latur.
    • Besides this it is also the first Medical library in Latur that implemented barcode technology for circulation.
    • All library operations are computerized.
    • Library is accessible to staff and students all days including Sunday.
    • Library provides 5-7 books for a period of 15 days to the students.
    • External liaison with other organizations and institutions which serve as a mechanism for acquiring urgently required references.

Maharashtra Institute of Optometry

Optometry is a primary health care profession in eye care. Optometrists are specialists trained to examine the eyes, diagnose diseases, and manage visual disorders by prescribing spectacles, contact lenses, low visual devices, and eye exercises. A detailed eye examination can also reveal systemic conditions like high blood pressure, anaemia , or diabetes. Optometrists make a diagnosis and refer the patients to the respective specialists for further care and management. They also co manage conditions with ophthalmologists and other health care professionals.

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