On 23 rd March of every year World Optometry Days is celebrated worldwide. It is celebrated to create awareness about the profession and their role and responsibility in health care. Lotusites celebrate this day in jest and always have new refreshing innovative ideas to make the masses aware. The students have done eyecamps, street plays, and Eyewear competitions.

Optometrists care for eye and vision care and chose this year’s World Optometry Day (WOD) occasion to share their thoughts on eyecare with the public by way of paintings. Optometry students did a mural activity in hospital premises to create awareness about eye care and demonstrating creatively how an Optometrist can contribute to community eye health. They used external wall surfaces as a medium to convey their thoughts on WOD. Ms. Arundhati from Pearl academy mentored the students and did a commendable task of getting 110 students work together for two long days. At the end of the exercise 15 blocks were fully painted in contrasting colors with eye care messages that ranged from diabetes, glaucoma and routine eye examinations to healthy food habits and behavioral change. All the participants did tremendous job and created a permanent impression both visually and through key messages.

Maharashtra Institute of Optometry

Optometry is a primary health care profession in eye care. Optometrists are specialists trained to examine the eyes, diagnose diseases, and manage visual disorders by prescribing spectacles, contact lenses, low visual devices, and eye exercises. A detailed eye examination can also reveal systemic conditions like high blood pressure, anaemia , or diabetes. Optometrists make a diagnosis and refer the patients to the respective specialists for further care and management. They also co manage conditions with ophthalmologists and other health care professionals.

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