Eye Care Professionals in India

Eye Care Professionals in India

In India, the number of opticians is estimated as about 10,000. Optometrists (qualified) 2000, Ophthalmic surgeons 10,000 Ophthalmic Assistants 4,000.
India with a population of 1.3 billion, the ratio of qualified eye care professionals to patients with eye problems is very low. Today India needs atleast 20,000 qualified optometrists.
Presently , the optical establishments in the country employ whomsoever they find Ophthalmologists and Ophthalmic hospitals that require well-qualified optometrists to assist them in their routine clinical work can hardly find able personnel. The paying capability of the optical establishments as well as of the Ophthalmologists is substantial for a well trained optometrist.
With this background, it is strongly recommended that a four year degree course in optometry be established at University level all over India, so that a cadre of well -qualified optometrists becomes available in the country. Ophthalmic science and optometry are developing at a very fast pace, add to that opening of the Indian economy and increasing living standards of the Indian family. Qualified professional optometrists are in great demand from the Ophthalmic industry, especially the MNC|s and the optical trade.

Optometry is a primary health care profession in eye care. Optometrists are specialists trained to examine the eyes, diagnose diseases, and manage visual disorders by prescribing spectacles, contact lenses, low visual devices, and eye exercises. A detailed eye examination can also reveal systemic conditions like high blood pressure, anaemia , or diabetes. Optometrists make a diagnosis and refer the patients to the respective specialists for further care and management. They also co manage conditions with ophthalmologists and other health care professionals.

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